Lean muscle mass and strong bone is built by providing good quality protein, amino acids and vitamins and minerals that target muscle and bone growth and remodelling. Super Amino 66® contains 66% horse perfect protein and an amino acid profile plus vitamins and minerals that may assist in the development of lean muscle and strong bones.
The 66% horse perfect protein found in Super Amino 66® is complemented by all 10 essential amino acids and increased levels of the valuable branched chain amino acids that may be beneficial in the building and the repair of muscle plus added antioxidants that may be of assistance in enhancing recovery after work.
Super Amino 66® contains a full complement of vitamins and minerals. It is a favourable addition to any horse's ration that need their performance and preparation accelerated and enhanced. If you are serious about performance you need to have one supplement in your feed room and it should be Super Amino 66®.
Race and Performance Horses
• Horse perfect protein and essential amino acids build strong lean muscle
• Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) increase the muscle building power of the feed.
• BCAA may be rapidly converted to energy to contribute to the ‘fuel tank’ during races and competition.
• Antioxidants can reduce oxidative damage after exercise, improving recovery times.
• Bonafide may improve bone geometry and density, that may contribute lowering shin soreness in 2 year olds.
Yearling Preparation
• Essential amino acids and BCAA build good top line and muscle definition.
• Bonafide assists in keeping bones strong and dense.
Older Horses
• Increased nutrients and a horse perfect protein helps to keep older horses in peak condition
Backward Weanlings and Orphaned Foals
• Essential Amino Acids, vitamins, minerals and Bonafide, assists to enhance the growth in height and muscle of young growing horses.
• Correct levels of protein, anti-oxidants, Bonafide, vitamins and minerals help to re-build and
Horses needing more top line and muscle repair
• Good quality protein with the right balance of essential amino acids helps to build lean muscle mass and top line.