Organic Magnesium, Vitamin E and Vitamin B1 Supplement for Horses
Mag-E® is the ideal supplement for working and travelling horses to provide a well absorbed form of magnesium, as well as essential Vitamin E and Vitamin B1, to help nerve and muscle function.
Mag-E® is an innovative supplement developed after 4 years of field trials on thousands of horses.
High levels of organic magnesium – with the majority provided by ‘organic’ amino acid (yeast) chelate which reaches the absorption sites as an ‘amino acid shielded’ complex for optimum absorption.
Natural and synthetic Vitamin E – corrects low dietary levels to ensure optimum muscle and nerve function.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – to help make up shortfalls in the diet of working horses fed on grain based, low roughage diets.
Debittered yeast as a natural food compound to help maintain normal gastro-intestinal function in working, travelling or competitive horses.