Description: A systemic fungicide combining both eradicant and protectant action for the control of black spot, powdery midew in roses. Acts systemically entering through the leaf and other green parts and spreading through the foliage to give complete protection
Diseases Controlled: Black spot, Powdery Mildew and Rust of Roses
Contains: Triforine
Where to use: Roses all types
When to use: Commence spraying at intervals of 7-10 days for as long as the disease is active. Should be used in a spray program with other protectant sprays.
Use rate: 15ml per Litre of water.
Useful Tips: Low Toxicity to bees and predatory mites. Concentrate can be mixed with most popular rose sprays.
Restrictions: No need to add a wetting agent and avoid application during abnormally hot, cold and slow drying conditions.
Main Usage Period: Spring through to Autumn.