Mancozeb DF Fungicide
Description: For control of various diseases in many vegetable crops, fruit and ornamentals. Protectant fungicide.
Sizes: 2kg, 10kg
Area Treated: Useage rate varies according to crops. 1.7kg to 3kg per ha is a common rate.
Contains: Mancozeb
Diseases Controlled: Early Blight, Late Blight, Anthracnose, Rust, Downy Mildew, Ring Spot, Alternaria Spot, Black Spot, Brown Rot, Fusarum, Septoria Leaf Spot & others.
Where to use: Treatment of vegetables, including tomatoes, beans, celery, carrots, onions and many others is recommended, as well as cucurbits, stone & pome fruit, other fruit, citrus, field crops and ornamentals.
When to use: Treatment should begin prior to disease infections, and continue to treat until threat of disease has passed. Premix in quantity in water and add to partially filled spray tank. Use Kendral 600 as a wetter. Compatibility is wide.
Use rate: Rates vary according to crop and application. A general rate is 150 to 200 g per 100l of water.
Useful Tips: Product resists weathering. Well suited for concentrate application. Group Y fungicide (multi-site activity). Not compatible with Bordeau or Lime Sulphur.
Main Usage Period: Can be used all year. Apply when disease symptoms first appear.